[GoH] Creators of Horror: Salvador Sanz

“Gutter of Horror” is a Brazilian column from Dinamo Studio website about horror comics.
This is a translated version of the articles.

Remembering the greats is always good, but we can’t forget the new artists and authors that stand in the shoulders of giants to keep horror comics going. And we can’t forget that horror isn’t limited to American comics either. That’ why this week I will talk a little about one of my favorite current authors, the Argentine Salvador Sanz.

Born in Buenos Airres (which is not the capital of Brazil, by the way) in 1975, Salvador Sanz graduated at the Manuel Belgrano National School of Fine Arts, but also studied animation at the Animation School in Argentina. His work started to be known in Argentina in the 1990s, where he was part of the independent magazine called Catzole as a co-editor and author, along with his colegues Julio Azamor and J.J. Rovella. His work soon became popular and it didn’t take long for Sanz to started publish his comics in other places like Spain and Latin America, specially Brazil. Outside Argentina, Sanz is most known for his regular stories at Fierro Magazine. As of today, Salvador Sanz collects a series of awards from several countries in South America and Europe and including the United States.

Sanz also works with animation. He worked on Mercano el Marciano, a TV show from Ayar B. and Juan Antin, created El Inivisor and directed Gorgonas, which in 2006 won the award for best animated short at San Diego Comic Con. His most known work in comics are Ex-Abrupto Magazine, Sudamérika, Ángela Della Morte, Legión (2006), Nocturno (2007) e Desfigurado (2007).

Unlike most recent authors that focus on a more stylized type of art (not that there's any problem with that) Salvador Sanz’ strongest suit is his detailed images that navigates closer to realism, frequently mixing elements from the real world with “impossible objects”, like in Legión (Legion) and Noturno (Nocturnal). His stories are mostly influenced by H.P. Lovecraft, while his art has some traces of Moebius – with dark twist. Sanz also mentioned works like Héctor Germán Oesterheld and Francisco Solano LópezEl Eternauta and European authors like Enki Bilan as other big influences.

In his stories, Sanz navigates through horror, fantasy and sci-fi with really interesting plots. Ángela Della Morte takes place in a future where the title character works at Sibelluis labs with an unusual job: to trick her own body simulating death to release your soul, which can take the body of people “without souls”. Noturno takes us to a surreal and sinister trip where people have a strange connection to a weird world. Legión explores the end of the world through characters associated with art and plays with the transcendental aspect many times attributed to artistic expressions. All very good stuff. One of his most recent comics, El Esqueleto, takes place in a future where a virus contaminate all cattle in the world and turned humans into cannibal monsters. Only the vegetarians didn’t get contaminated and keep fighting for survival. The title character is one of them. Recently, he illustrated an edition of H.P. Lovecraft's The Call of Cthulhu.

If you like horror I strongly recommend that you look for Salvador Sanz' works. I like them all, but I have Legión as my favorite (I actually gave a lecture about horror using this comic as a case study years ago). This particular comic was published in United States as "Legion" by IDW back in 2007.   
Rafael Algures is a Bachelor of Philosophy specialized in Neurosciences of Language. He is also a copywriter, content and science writer, and a comic book creator. His latest work, “Gutter of Horror: Transition”, is available at Amazon – digital and paperback.
Further Reading: Legion (Spanish Edition), Salvador Sanz